Jordon Comstock
Jordon Comstock

Learn how you can create and grow a wildly successful dental membership program. Cut out the middle man (insurance) and generate recurring revenue for your practice!

Million dollar membership plan

Passive income is the holy grail of revenue for your dental practice. This book teaches you strategies to help you generate hundreds of thousands of dollars each year.

How to make 50Kmo

This book will teach you how to cut out the PPOs, optimize your revenue within your practice, create predictable recurring revenue and teach you how to convert your PPO patients into the highest quality patients.

Fire the ppos

Attracting and retaining patients is crucial for your practice’s success! Download this free e-book and learn actionable tactics to help you attract the right type of patients.

Attracting new dental patients
Ben Tuinei
It’s no secret that most Dental Professionals and their team don’t have an extra 120 hours in their back pocket to chase down insurance representatives to analyze and negotiate their reimbursements. Even if you find the time, playing the negotiating game can be stressful and confusing. After all, insurance companies design their processes to confuse both you and the patient.
When negotiating with insurance companies, here are a few things to consider:
  • Who should contact?
  • What to say?
  • What to ask for?
  • How to follow up?
  • What to do when things go south?
You just might, but the good news is, you DON’T have to. Our capable and experienced team will do it all on your behalf and in a way that will cost you less than if you had done it on your own, putting thousands of dollars back into your practice while you keep doing what you love. More importantly, it allows you to afford the quality dentistry you believe in!
Veritas will show you how to make this happen while staying within your budget and guaranteeing results. If you’re not a good candidate for our service, you’ll be the first to know, and it won’t cost you a penny to find out. We’re the best at what we do and take it seriously.
Learn more